WordPress Basics

Useful WordPress shortcuts that will save you time

If you are a regular WordPress user, these shortcuts will help you save a lot of time.

WordPress shortcuts for the content editor

  • Ctrl + b = Bold
  • Ctrl + i = Italic
  • Ctrl + c = Copy
  • Ctrl + v = Paste
  • Ctrl + x = Cut
  • Ctrl + a = Select All
  • Ctrl + z = Undo
  • Ctrl + y = Redo
  • Ctrl + [number] = Insert heading sizes, e.g. CTRL+1 = <h1>, CTRL+2 = <h2>.
  • Alt + Shift + n = Check Spelling
  • Alt + Shift + l = Align Left
  • Alt + Shift + j = Justify Text
  • Alt + Shift + c = Align Center
  • Alt + Shift + d = Strikethrough
  • Alt + Shift + r = Align Right
  • Alt + Shift + u = Unordered List
  • Alt + Shift + a = Insert link
  • Alt + Shift + o = Numeric List
  • Alt + Shift + s = Remove link
  • Alt + Shift + q = Quote
  • Alt + Shift + m = Insert Image
  • Alt + Shift + w = Full screen distraction free writing mode
  • Alt + Shift + t = Insert More Tag
  • Alt + Shift + p = Insert Page Break tag
  • Alt + Shift + h = Rich text editor help

    WordPress shortcuts for the comments screen

    To enable these keyboard shortcuts you need to go to Users » Your Profile and check Keyboard Shortcuts check box. Save your profile and go back to comments screen in admin area.

    • J = Next comment (moves the current selection down)
    • K = Previous comment (moves the current selection up)
    • A = Approve comment
    • U = Unapprove comment
    • D = Delete comment
    • R = Reply comment
    • Q = Quick edit a comment
    • Z = Restore Comment from Trash or Undo if you Delete a comment

    You can select multiple comments by pressing X to check the selected comment and press J or K keys to move to next or previous comment. Once all the comments are selected, you can use the following.

    • Shift + A = Approve checked comments
    • Shift + D = Delete checked comments
    • Shift + U = Unapprove selected comments
    • Shift + T = Move selected comments to trash
    • Shift + Z = Restore selected comments from trash

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    Our team is here to support you in any way we can, whether providing training or just ensuring your site is up to date. We offer ongoing support after your website is launched, so you can get back to doing what you do best.

    If you’re not sure what kind of support you need or how best to implement it, give us a call today. We’d be happy to help you grow your website.