WordPress Plugins

How to backup your website

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1. Go to Plugins and click Add New. Type in UpdraftPlus, then click Install Now.

Screenshot of clicking Install Now

2. Click Activate Plugin, then return to the Plugins page and click Back Up under the UpdraftPlus Backup plugin.

3. Under Current Status, select Backup Now. It will give you the option to exclude the database, exclude files, or don’t send to a remote storage (if you have one set up). Since we just installed it, nothing has been set up yet, so don’t worry about those options right now. The plugin will then be backed up when you click Backup Now.

Screenshot of clicking Backup Now

4. Next, click Settings. When you get to the settings page, you’ll notice the File backup intervals and Database backup intervals. Select a frequency of backup for how often you want to backup your site. Depending on how often the website is updated, you might want to choose weekly or monthly.

Screenshot of Settings

5. Following that, we must choose the remote storage. Scroll further down until you see Choose your remote storage. Choose the location for your backup files from the drop-down menu, then click Save Changes at the bottom of the page.

Screenshot of choosing a remote storage

6. Once you have done that, go back to Settings. You must authenticate by logging into the account linked to the storage location you selected.

Screenshot of authenticating the account

7. After you’ve authenticated, go to Existing Backups. It will display all of your backups for you. You have the option to Restore or Delete a specific backup.

Screenshot of Existing Backups

8. To download a backup, click one of the choices under Backup Data. Choose the one you want to download and then click Download to your computer.

Screenshot of clicking Download to your computer

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