Hosting & Domains

Hosting recommendation

We recommend VentraIP ( for website hosting and domain registration.

Steer away from Crazy Domains and Melbourne IT. They have a lot of issues and their support is terrible.

How to purchase hosting

We recommend

  1. Click on Economy on the right
  2. Click ORDER NOW
  3. Select server location
  4. If you already have a domain name, select ‘I will update my nameservers on an existing domain Or I will register a new domain.’ and then type in your domain below.
  5. Click Click to Continue
  6. Select billing cycle and Add to Cart
  7. Type in vip50 as the promotion code for 50% off the first bill and click Validate Code (select a high billing cycle to make the most of this offer)
  8. Click Checkout
  9. Fill in your details.
  10. Sent over all the emails that you receive from VentraIP

Once complete, one of our website developers will be able to help upload your website.

WordPress support you can count on

Our WordPress support team has worked on many websites and understand how to make them successful. For more than 13 years, we have helped companies like yours, so we know how essential it is to have a WordPress support plan tailored to your requirements.

Our team is here to support you in any way we can, whether providing training or just ensuring your site is up to date. We offer ongoing support after your website is launched, so you can get back to doing what you do best.

If you’re not sure what kind of support you need or how best to implement it, give us a call today. We’d be happy to help you grow your website.